Battered Men Website
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Welcome To My Home Page Battered Men

This website was inspired by a Lifetime program that I viewed. This website is created for Men who need to vent about anyone being verbally or physically abusive to them. You don't have to say who you are but just vent and get it off your shoulders. It's a great way to talk and express your feeling at the same time writing is very relaxing. Writing calms you and allows you to think and concentrate your thoughts. For all you MEN who need to express yourselves, please feel free to do it on my website.

My name is Patricia and Men are human too. I really believe that this is a very hard issue to tackle when it comes to men, especially talking about their troubles to someone. I want Men from all nationalities to come and vent their problems here. There are people out here who care and this is a way to talk about your issues without being embarrassed or humilated and people judging you because you are a man. So please, use my website and let it all out....

My website is a Shopping Mall and please sign my Guestbook!

Tell your family and friends about this Website.

I would like to include and share stories here. So please, share your thoughts, experiences. Stories will be shared weekly.....

If you have a story to share, please email me and I will share your story...

If you know of any other topics similar to Battered Men like, battered boys, or infant. please share your story so others can read and learn and together we can help people...

If you would like to add your website here email me!


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